Hey, I'm Carsten!

I have been professionally working as an iOS developer since 2014. Even during my studies, I was passionate about the platform. Starting my career by contributing to projects using Objective-C, I gained significant experience. With the release of Swift 1.0, new features were implemented thanks to mixed-language support. Through my involvement in numerous projects, I am well acquainted with various UI design possibilities and have developed a deep understanding of MVC, MVVM, and Clean Architecture.

I keep myself updated on the latest developments in the Swift programming language and the iOS platform itself through WWDC. Additionally, I sporadically address simple coding challenges, advancing the development of my algorithmic understanding and my capacity to execute them adeptly in Swift. Moreover, I contribute on Stack Overflow, to provide guidance to fellow developers or the right insights to help them solve problems independently. Engaging in these activities enables me to step out of my comfort zone and approach problems from a different perspective.

Through the teams I've collaborated with, I quickly integrate into the workflows and processes. Agile and Scrum methodologies were familiar to all teams, and we shared a framework that ensured a unified approach to problem-solving. Generally, I'm open to discussions, basing my perspectives on experience. Particularly in UX/UI matters, I often refer to Apple's recommendations. Moreover, I make an effort to analyze different angles of the problem to identify any potential edge cases.